Title: | Soccer and Lit in Argentina |
Course Section Number: | SPA-312-02 |
Department: | Spanish |
Description: | Soccer, or football as it's known in most of the world, holds a unique and deeply ingrained place in Argentine culture. In this course we will explore Argentine football through short stories, essays, and film. The course includes an immersion trip to Argentina at the end of the semester (last two weeks of May). This course is offered by Instructor consent. |
Credits: | 1.00 |
Start Date: | January 20, 2025 |
End Date: | May 10, 2025 |
Meeting Information: |
01/21/2025-05/08/2025 Immersion Component Tuesday, Thursday 02:40PM - 03:55PM, Detchon, Room 212
Faculty: | Rogers, Dan |
Requisite Courses: | SPA-301 or SPA-321, and SPA-302, Must have taken SPA-302 previously |
Course Status
Section Name/Title | Status | Dept. | Capacity |
Enrolled/ Available/ Waitlist |
Soccer and Lit in Argentina |
OPEN | Spanish | 16 | 9 / 7 / 0 |